• Hey :) Just a reminder that Fort community is not equipped to discuss current ongoing abuse. If you're currently involved in an abusive relationship - please log out, contact hotlines and/or alternative sites (the Help tab on top of any page lists a few of each), and feel free to come back to Fort once you're safe and stable. Be safe.

How did you find us?

You and I

Pretty Active
May 16, 2021
I found it on google and I'm really glad I did. I was feeling very lonely and abandoned in the small town where I have lived for a year now. I haven't made any real close friends here and don't feel at home. So I was looking for a place where I would feel accepted. All of you here have made me feel very welcome. I've read some very interesting discussions which has helped me get new insights into myself.

I have a lot of social anxiety so meeting new people is difficult for me. Thank you for being here!!

Elle too

Known To All
Got Keys
Nov 22, 2018
I used to be in a yahoo group. It became to difficult and chaotic. So I took a break. I decided years later, which was still quite a while ago, to try again. Through google search found this site. It has been one of the best I have found. Amazing people here. I recommend to many that are on a few other sites as well.

You and I

Pretty Active
May 16, 2021
Hi, 8888. I've been thinking about you the last few days, since you said you were having a rough time. Good to see you here and hope you're ok.


Part Of The Crowd
May 31, 2021
I am curious to those who are just now coming across the Fort and for those who are already registered here:

How did you find us?

Did someone recommend you here or maybe a random search on something abuse related or perhaps something totally UNRELATED to our theme but the site caught your attention anyway?

Interested to hear from you!
hi. i’ve known about the Fort for a few years i think. i believe it was all based on my own research on DID. i am not with DID, but i read the article about DID and ESD and persecutory alters here. I found what is described in the article in terms of ESD and persecutory alters so alarmingly accurate to what goes on in me.

I’ve known about this site for a while and even once before almost joined. i forgot all about that but today with things changing in me i feel that it might be beneficial to join. i had it bookmarked and once here was reminded that i almost joined before so now i’m here. i hope i can elaborate further in the near future on the details of why i‘m here.

You and I

Pretty Active
May 16, 2021
Hello and welcome to the site. Glad you decided to join us! And I'll be looking forward to hearing more from you whenever you're ready.
Jul 1, 2021
I am curious to those who are just now coming across the Fort and for those who are already registered here:

How did you find us?

Did someone recommend you here or maybe a random search on something abuse related or perhaps something totally UNRELATED to our theme but the site caught your attention anyway?

Interested to hear from you!
I found this from a referral from a crisis text line. I’m only just starting to know about the abuse I suffered...how not normal it was. I’m thankful that I can just talk here, since a big thing that I’m grappling with is just trying to trust my own perception of events.
I am curious to those who are just now coming across the Fort and for those who are already registered here:

How did you find us?

Did someone recommend you here or maybe a random search on something abuse related or perhaps something totally UNRELATED to our theme but the site caught your attention anyway?

Interested to hear from you!
I found you guys from a referral from a text line. I’m only now just realizing what I went through was abuse (though I’m not sure how severe it is), so I’m excited to be here and have a place where it’s okay for me to talk about it. It’s tiring keeping it all in my head.

You and I

Pretty Active
May 16, 2021
Welcome! I'm glad you found the Fort.
Looking at past abuse can be a painful process. I admire you for starting your quest to find the truth. I hope this site is helpful for you.
Jul 16, 2021
I am curious to those who are just now coming across the Fort and for those who are already registered here:

How did you find us?

Did someone recommend you here or maybe a random search on something abuse related or perhaps something totally UNRELATED to our theme but the site caught your attention anyway?

Interested to hear from you!
I googled chat rooms for abuse victims.


Pretty Active
Got Keys
May 21, 2008
I think it was originally recommended to me like 10 years ago by another survivor. When I “refound” the site just like this last week, I did a google search, and remembered the name when I saw it.