• Hey :) Just a reminder that Fort community is not equipped to discuss current ongoing abuse. If you're currently involved in an abusive relationship - please log out, contact hotlines and/or alternative sites (the Help tab on top of any page lists a few of each), and feel free to come back to Fort once you're safe and stable. Be safe.


May 24, 2008
my name's Mickey, and i'm one of the original members of the fort from way back when. i used to mod here, but now i am running the SI Forums and chat room which is affiliated with this site.

the fort started out as a safe place one of our founding members (joey) made for his little. in late february of 2008, the fort became a reality thanks to lala and kevin, our admins. since that time, our fort family has grown together and become a community of people who sincerely care about each other and support each other. we have seen people come and go; we have been thru hard times together, but the fort is still standing, a refuge for survivors of abuse of all kinds.

you are welcome here.


My little angel
DID Youth
Jul 4, 2009
i don't think it could-ov been said any better!! i have not been here a long time, but long enuf to kno this iz a very safe an supportive an honest place. thank u for tha "role" u have here so it stayz safe. u r very wize an i like talken to u.