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art area!! anyone else use it as therapy?


Getting The Hang Of It
Jun 25, 2021
I was gobsmacked a minute ago as I was looking through the website to see where will be beneficial and I saw you have an art area. I picked up a paintbrush at 38 and the journey and process of learning over the last 5 years has been gratifying.

Knowing it has helped me function. lol a couple of times it has seriously stressed my family because they saw what I was working on and were like hey fam you ok? do I need to watch you? but still I have gone from only painting pain to being able to paint beauty too. The act of creation is incredibly soothing for me.

A question to others- do you use art or physical activity (be that painting, sculpting, needlework, crocheting whatever) to help get those emotions out? or am I a rare odd duck.